Sunday, May 20, 2012

Reading Response--"U.S. Ideals Meet Reality in Yemen"

Finkel’s lede does so much for us in his piece titled, “U.S. Ideals Meet Reality in Yemen”. He draws me in with all the fast paced talk of days which turns out to be foreshadowing. I wonder, will he be foreshadowing the dismissive reference or is that just the starting point of what he will revel throughout his piece? We also know that the story involves an American—Robin Madrid and the President of Yemen. We already have to characters and a direction in one sentence. Then in small snippets the story builds. I know how it started and how it finished, interesting structure but it sounds like it’s meant for an audience that might not understand the complexity of what will come in the middle. And here we get to the point, the story of “what can happen when the United States tries to use democracy as a way to reform the world”. I’m hooked and I understand everything thus far despite my lack of knowledge in world politics. So I’m beginning to realize that the best journalism narratives are journalism but they read like a good novel. I’m concurring with everything Finkel is writing and it’s also opening my eyes to some things I used to believe about democrats and republicans. It’s so interesting that republicans complain about democrats spending on helping the poor in the U.S. but all the while republicans are spending billions overseas to help other people who may or may not really want it. This quote blew my mind, “I think there are times when you throw spaghetti against the wall and see if it sticks” from deputy assistant secretary of state in regards to how America takes democracy overseas. I absolutely love the way that Madrid is described! There are so many details, some more relevant than others with such a quick pacing—I’m so into Finkel’s style right now. She’s very likable throughout the piece but seems so naïve…      

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